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Registered Charity No: 282564     WiFi available     Find us on Facebook
St Keyne Village Hall and Social Club
The Club, St Keyne Village Hall

Village Hall Committee Meetings

The Village Hall is a registered charity, number 282564, for the benefit of the residents of St Keyne and the local area. It raises funds for its upkeep from the hire charges for the Hall and profit from the bar. The Charity does not work with any professional fund raisers, does not have any trading subsidiaries and does not make any payments to the trustees.

The Village Hall trustees are: Peter Higgs (Chair), Dom Folland, Stuart Houghton.

Regular Village Hall Committee Meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of every month. Meetings start at 7.30pm and are held in the Club with entry via the main Village Hall door. Members of the public are welcome to attend and observe as well as bring up any comments or suggestions at the beginning of the meeting.